Effective August 1, 2024, SCHOLASTIC TESTING SERVICE, INC. (STS) will no longer grant research and reproduction permissions or distribution licenses for any STS copyrighted materials for use outside of the U.S. For more information on this policy, see our Customer Service Who May Order Testing Products page. | Contact STS about Order StatusSales tax will be charged if applicable. If you have any questions regarding sales tax in your area, please call us at 1.800.642.6787. Full details about STS pricing, ordering, shipping and payment terms are available on our Customer Service page.
Store Hours:
Orders received after 2PM (CST) will be processed and shipped on the next business day.
Call 1.630.766.7150 to request expedited shipping outside of these hours (Monday-Friday only).
Copyright 2018 Scholastic Testing Service, Inc., Bensenville, Illinois Last update: November 6, 2018